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Providing Outstanding Communication Solutions For Business
27th February 2020
What is an eSIM?
eSIMs are mobile data SIM cards which work anywhere mobile network coverage exists, irrespective of the network! If a device moves and crosses mobile networks, its profile can be updated quickly and securely to connect to the new or stronger mobile network signal.
If you’ve even heard of eSIMs, you might think it’s a new Apple initiative to fix a SIM to an iPhone circuit board. It is, but that’s just the consumer part of the story, for business the opportunity for geographic mobility, temporary site internet access solutions, broadband (internet access) fail over/ DR (Disaster Recovery) backup and asset tracking is huge.
eSIMs are commonly used in smart watches and other wearable devices, however 2020 is predicted to see greater adoption within IoT (Internet or Things). ABI Research predicts there will be an estimated 420 million eSIM-equipped devices available by 2022.
What are the typical uses for business?
Companies with multiple eSims can aggregate the data allowance. So if one eSim uses more data than another but overall the aggregate allowance is not exceeded then no additional charges are incurred.
Companies want to connect to the network with the strongest signal. Some multinetwork SIMs are steered and so always try to connect to their own network, when competitor networks may be stronger. eSims connect to the strongest signal irrespective of network.
Companies need to have visibility of their data usage on each device to manage data limits. If they go over their monthly data limit, they may be billed high data overage charges or run the risk of being barred.
An eSIM solves all these problems with network agnostic, un-steered or steered, plastic triple-cut SIMs. eSIMs roam automatically across hundreds of global networks and additional profiles can easily be added OTA (Over The Air)
As Value Added Resellers (VARs), Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and Internet of Things Service Providers (IoTSPs) we are uncovering more and more opportunities for multi-network, roaming eSIMs in vertical markets, such as construction, yachting, motorsports, transport (including taxi companies), logistics and manufacturing.
End-users need 4G data in roaming devices such as mobile broadband routers, monitoring and tracking devices.
Using our Mobile Manager online management we can manage SIM activations, ceases, suspensions, reports, alerts and bolt-ons.
Pay Per Zone or fixed monthly price
eSims can be provided on a fixed monthly tariff (aggregated or individual) or on a Pay Per Zone tariff which is based on over 450 global networks, divided in to 5 pricing zones. With Pay Per Zone eSIM tariffs, data is charged at different rates based on the zone in which it is consumed and data is charged per MB consumed.
For more information on eSims and their benefit to your business email ask@telephoneskent.com or call 01227 200625
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