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Providing Outstanding Communication Solutions For Business
8th March 2021
Does your business strategy for 2021 and beyond include home based workers? Are some of them struggling with connectivity? In particular anything that requires an internet connection? What is the cost to your business of the loss of productivity and quality due to poor connections?
Residential internet access provision has never been designed for business use and therefore can prove to be inadequate when someone is trying to work from home. Not only can this be very frustrating for the worker its also costly for the business in terms of reduced productivity, poor voice communications, intermittent remote connections etc. What is the hourly COST to your business of these issues? £50? £100? £500 £1000?
More and more businesses are seeing that investing in and providing business grade internet access, wireless networks and network security for home workers is resulting in benefits in many areas including:
If home working is part of your business plan consider the workers home “office” as part of your work “office” and provide the right products and services; don’t just struggle on with inadequate residential provision.
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